Skill Management with Expertise Matrix
Massive September 2019 Update Now Live!
Int64 Software Ltd is excited to announce that the final changes and tests have now been completed and we have released our massive August 2019 update to Expertise Matrix – our Skill Matrix management platform. If you want to learn more about what to expect then please continue to read, otherwise head over to ExpertiseMatrix.com to see if for yourself.
What is Expertise Matrix?
Expertise Matrix (EMX for short) is a leading Skill Matrix management platform from Int64 Software for businesses who want to gain a better grasp on the breadth of skills available to their staff. It can your personnel to track their own skills, and to help you when organising professional development reviews (PDR), monitoring skill progression, and identifying skill gaps and at-risk areas.
What’s Changed?
A New, Cleaner Interface

We have spent a great deal of time putting every part of the Expertise Matrix interface under a microscope and tweaking many parts of it to make it easier to read, more intuitive, and quicker to gain a fast insight into your skill management processes.
Simpler, Tier-based Subscription Model

We’ve consolidated our subscription plans into 3 simple tiers to make your subscription significantly easier to understand.
But don’t worry if you can’t find a package that suits your business needs, you can fully customise your subscription quickly and easily, and receive an instant quote.
Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) Compliance

Our subscription payment system has been updated to comply with the upcoming European Banking Authority’s Payment Services Directive (PSD2) requirements for Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) to better protect your bank details.
A Full Trial Experience Free for 30 Days

We have removed our static demo logins and are replacing them with a fully enabled 30 day trial which you can access completely free. This will give you the opportunity to see the advantages Expertise Matrix can bring to your company’s skill management processes directly and in a much more interactive way.
Sign up for your free trial now!
Improved Security

To help keep your account secure we have implemented email-based Two Factor Authentication. This powerful security feature, which can now be enabled from your Profile Settings page, helps to protect your account from unauthorised access by requiring a code which will be sent to your email account.
Improved Data Handling

To improve speed and reduce server load, we’ve tweaked our data handling routines to make the handling of batch transactions much more efficient. This makes it even easier for you to add hundreds of users or skills in one quick operation.
Better Skill Progression Experience

One of our key features, we’ve made further improvements to our Skill Progression history and analysis section to make it even easier to read and understand. We’ve also added the ability to add historical entries (in case you forgot to record them at the time), and remove erroneous or outdated historical records.
Improved Multiple-Account Support

If you need additional accounts to keep your data separate (such as skills from two different teams which you work with) then its much easier now to create and manage as many accounts as you need.
If you want to learn more, remember that Expertise Matrix lets you manage the skills of up to 30 people for 30 days completely free! No credit cards required up front, no spam, no selling your personal information on to third parties – strictly no strings attached.
Come and join us at https://expertisematrix.com!
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