Upcoming changes to OVERLAPS Pricing


Those of you that have been with us since our humble beginnings may remember how simple OVERLAPS was at the start. It was conceived to solve a single problem – to provide a better experience for the people who need to access the passwords generated by Microsoft LAPS.

Since those humble beginnings, OVERLAPS has grown significantly as we have implemented many quality-of-life improvements, and added a lot of new features (many at the request of our loyal customers).

No longer a simple LAPS user interface, OVERLAPS has since evolved game-changing features such as:

  • A complex and highly-customisable permissions system,
  • Added security from Two Factor Authentication,
  • Read/Reset Authorisation Request handling,
  • Improved auditing capabilities,
  • User action alert notifications,
  • End user Self-Service functionality,
  • Multi-domain and even Multi-forest support
  • To name but a few…

Combine all this with our upcoming features in version 3.0 (more information will be following soon), and we’ve decided it’s time to take the hard decision to re-evaluate the OVERLAPS pricing strategy.

Existing Customers

I’d like to start by reassuring our existing customers that we will not be asking you to pay more. You’ve bought your OVERLAPS licence and we will continue to honour that.

This also applies to anyone who purchases OVERLAPS between now and the date that the price changes, as well as any quotes issued between now and that date (which are valid for 30 days).

Additional Licences for Existing Customers

Any customer wishing to buy additional licences for their existing account should contact our Support Team for more information about pricing (support@int64software.com).


The new prices for the OVERLAPS package will come into effect from Monday 10th August 2020.

Pricing Details

We’ve never wanted to overburden our customers with complex pricing strategies involving versions, and disabled features. So OVERLAPS is staying as one complete package with one price for a perpetual licence.

The OVERLAPS Package

From 10th August 2020, OVERLAPS will be increasing in price to £139.99 GBP (approximately $180.16 USD or €153.66 Euros at the time of writing).

As before, this will provide you with a perpetual (never ending) licence for OVERLAPS, and free support during each version’s respective lifespan.

New Feature Modules

Going forward, we may start releasing additional functionality for OVERLAPS in the form of modules or plug-ins. Some of these will be released for free, while others will be individually priced according to their size and complexity.

Note that this does not mean that we will be making you pay for new core features or security updates. Any updates core to OVERLAPS will remain free to our customers forever. It just means that any new major features may be deployed in this way and will be entirely optional.

As we have always encouraged submissions of feature requests from our customers, if it is deemed that a customer significantly contributed to the design of one of these modules, then we may offer them the module free of charge as our way of saying thanks.


We pride ourselves on our top quality support service, and nothing about that is going to change.

However, to reduce the potential overheads as OVERLAPS matures and it becomes harder to support some of the older legacy versions, each version will now have a support lifespan. Extended support for versions which have exceeded their lifespan may come at an additional cost.

This both allows us to mitigate the cost associated with supporting out-dated versions, while encouraging our customers to make use of their perpetual licences and stay up-to-date with the latest releases.

More information about specific version lifespans will be published soon.

Custom Branding

OVERLAPS already supports the ability to customise the site title to better fit your own business identity. However, to expand on this we are currently investigating the possibility of offering custom branding packages which will include the ability to have OVERLAPS display your own logo and colour schemes.

These packages will be priced according to the level of customisation involved.


That’s about all there is to say about this. If you have any questions we encourage you to contact our Support Team (support@int64software.com).

Anyone wanting to get a quote at the current price can do so by also emailing our Support Team and asking for one. Our quotes are obligation free and valid for 30 days.

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