Overcee 18.4.1 Update Released


We are pleased to announce the release of Overcee version 18.4.1.

This is a minor update which fixes a couple of minor UI bugs, but also introduces the first release of our Microsoft LAPS plugin.


Fixed two minor display issues with the Job computer detail window.


Microsoft LAPS

The “Local Administrator Password Solution” (more info) is Microsoft’s solution to improving the security of client Local Administrator accounts. It uses a client utility to randomise the Administrator password and store the result in Active Directory.

Overcee LAPS Plugin

Overcee now has the ability to read the current password and expiry date from Active Directory, and to expire the password so that the client will automatically generate a new one when the next opportunity arises.

This is accomplished with three new default tools: “(LAPS) Get Administrator Account Password”, “(LAPS) Gets Administrator Account Password Expiry”, and “(LAPS) Expire Administrator Account Password”.


To use the new plugin, you must have Microsoft LAPS installed and Active Directory configured accordingly.

You will also need to grant the Overcee web service (web server’s Local System account) read access to the “ms-Mcs-AdmPwd” property, and read/write access to the “ms-Mcs-AdmPwdExpirationTime” property. This can be achieved simply through PowerShell using the AdmPwd.PS library provided when you install LAPS by following Microsoft’s documentation.

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