OVERLAPS for Microsoft LAPS Update

This is a small update to fix an error encountered when specifying domain credentials for OVERLAPS to use when querying the LAPS attributes from Active Directory (see Update 1.3).

The update can be downloaded as usual from your Downloads page.

The error was caused by our recent move to enforce Kerberos communication between the OVERLAPS server and Domain Controllers. While this change has proved very successful overall, there may still be one or two minor problems that it causes elsewhere, this was one such minor problem.

Update fixes this issue, and we have also taken the opportunity to build in more resilience to the connection.

Please note that we have also been made aware of a problem using the Firefox browser where, if both HTTP and HTTPS modes are enabled, login may fail over the HTTP connection in this browser. We are aware of this issue and are investigating the problem. Our existing advice to use HTTPS encrypted connections only (disabling HTTP altogether) still stands except in cases where this is not possible.

The trial version of OVERLAPS has also been updated to version

Additional Trial Change

We have taken this opportunity to remove the restriction on enabling HTTPS encrypted connections in the trial. This was previously restricted to the paid version only, but we can see value in allowing all of our potential customers to pre-plan their security policy and setup before purchasing.

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