OVERLAPS Update 3.3.0 (SAML Project)

After a long and arduous development period, I am happy to finally be able to announce that update 3.3.0 is now available for download. Now featuring SAML Single Sign-On support, you can hand over user authentication to third-party services such as AD FS, Entra, or Okta, and enjoy the added benefits those providers bring to…

Windows Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS) – New and Improved from Microsoft

Introduction The Windows LAPS Announcement On April 11th 2023, Microsoft announced the release of Windows LAPS, a new and improved version of their Local Administrator Password Solution. The new LAPS is designed to completely supersede the old product and is now delivered by default to compatible devices. You can read the announcement here: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-it-pro-blog/by-popular-demand-windows-laps-available-now/ba-p/3788747 As…


This is a quick post to let you know that we are aware of the recent announcement from Microsoft regarding their updated version of LAPS, now called Windows LAPS. This new version completely replaces the legacy LAPS, and will come as default in Windows 10/11 (Pro, EDU and Enterprise editions), and Windows Server 2019 and…

Self-Service Users in OVERLAPS for Microsoft LAPS

Introduction Now entering its 5th year of service, OVERLAPS for Microsoft’s Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS) has established itself and a must-have security tool for IT and Service Desk technicians the world over, providing a much needed quick-and-easy interface for LAPS managed environments. While it may appear that the primary focus for OVERLAPS is to…

Generating a History Report in OVERLAPS

OVERLAPS has received a new reporting tool to help with your security auditing and monitoring processes. With the release of update you can now export your OVERLAPS History Log with the new “History Report Tool” (historyreport.exe) which can be found with the application files.