Hardening Website Security – Part 1a: HSTS Preloading
In part 1 of this series of articles we described the HSTS header “Strict-Transport-Security”. This header is used to tell the clients web browser that HTTP Strict Transport Security mode should be enabled so that the browser should remember that this website only uses HTTPS and should not accept any unencrypted traffic.
Hardening Website Security – Part 1: HTTP Security Headers
Introduction It feels like almost every week there’s another news item about personal information being stolen because yet another company’s website got hacked. Most of these attacks are perpetrated through social engineering, persuading somebody to hand over some detail which allows the hacker to gain additional privileges and, eventually, access to personal information. However, a…
Installing and Configuring Microsoft LAPS: A Complete Guide – Part 1
Separation of Duties in Software Solutions: A Case Study in Overcee
Separation (or Segregation) of Duties in business and Information Technology is a great internal process which describes restricting the power of any one individual in order to combat mistakes and fraud. R. A. Botha and J. H. P. Eloff in “Separation of Duties for Access Control Enforcement in Workflow Environments” describe SoD as: Separation of…
Tutorial: Privilege Escalation Vulnerability Scan Tool and Overcee
Overcee Update 18.4.3 Released
Free: Windows Privilege Escalation Vulnerability Scan Tool
There exist many actual and potential vulnerabilities in the Windows operating system suite which could leave your systems open to attack. While many of these are patched or mitigated when they are discovered, many still remain as “features” of the operating system. We’ve isolated four of these vulnerabilities which we feel are the most easily…