10. Navigating the Site

The main menu provides access to all of OVERLAPS pages. The items available depend on the permissions of the currently logged in user.
The main sections of OVERLAPS which are employed in day-to-day use are listed below.
Displays a tree representing your Active Directory structure, allowing you to navigate to any container that you have permission to.
Takes you to a page where you can view your Authorisation Requests (if you have any), and any Authorisation Requests you can Authorise or Deny if you are configured as a nominated Authoriser.
Displays a list of all recorded actions taken by you and other users in OVERLAPS, including things like logging in, viewing passwords, or changing settings.
Gives you the option to run reports within OVERLAPS for things like a list of computers that do not have a LAPS password set.
Search for computers.
Add, modify or remove users and groups from OVERLAPS, and manage their global settings.
Specify container-specific user permissions, and manage Permissions Snapshots.
Manage OVERLAPS' configuration.
Modify more web hosting related settings.
Configure OVERLAPS to be able to send emails to your users. This is required for the Notification and Authorisation Request systems.
View a list of active User Sessions.
A tool for testing and debugging your LAPS setup.
You profile information and settings, including Two Factor Authentication.
Ends your session and returns you to the login screen.