32. Database Diagnostic Tool

C:\Program Files (x86)\OVERLAPS\dbdiag.exe

Should any database issues arise, the Database Diagnostic Tool can help to locate and repair the problem with the help of our Support Team.

The tools features are broken down into two categories: Functions and Tests.

32.1 Functions

32.1.1 Export

Exports all database data into an SQL file.

dbdiag.exe export /source overlaps.sqlite /destination export.sql

32.1.2 Import

Takes an SQL file created by the export function and creates a new database file.

dbdiag.exe import /source export.sql /destination overlaps.sqlite

32.1.3 Rebuild Indexes

Rebuilds all indexes in the given database file. If no filename is provided, this will rebuild the index of the default OVERLAPS database.

dbdiag rebuildindex [<filename>]

32.1.4 Transfer Data

Allows for the transfer of certain data from one database file to another.

dbdiag transfer /source <source> /destination <destination> table1 table2 table3...

Where valid table options are:

settings Global Settings
passwordhistory Computer Password History
history Event History Log
permissionssnapshot Permissions Snapshots
all All of the above

32.1.5 Vacuum

Performs a VACUUM operation on the given database, which creates a new database file, copies all data across (excluding any that is marked for deletion), compacts it, and then replaces the original file. If no filename is given, this will default to the OVERLAPS database.

dbdiag.exe vacuum [<filename>]

32.2 Tests

32.2.1 Integrity Check

Performs an integrity check on the database file, looking for errors or corruption.

dbdiag.exe integrity [<database.sqlite (optional)>]

32.2.2 Log File Scan

Scans an OVERLAPS log file for common problems.

dbdiag.exe logscan [<log file location (optional)>]

32.2.3 Read/Write

Performs a read/write operation on the OVERLAPS database to make sure that it is accessible.

dbdiag.exe readwrite

32.2.4 Transaction Temp Files Scan

Checks for backlogged database transactions pages which are stored in the system TEMP folder. During typical operation these are automatically cleaned up as they are processed, so a build up may indicate problems.

dbdiag.exe transact