28. History Report Tool

C:\Program Files (x86)\OVERLAPS\historyreport.exe

The History Report Tool can be used to export History Log data for auditing or reporting purposes.

The tool can export in three formats:

  • CSV - For importing into spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel.
  • PDF – Creates a report in the Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF).
  • RTF – Generates a Rich Text Format document compatible with most word processors.

28.1 Command Line Arguments

28.1.1 Required Arguments

You must specify at least one of the arguments “/pdf”, “/rtf” or *“/csv” and follow it with a valid path and filename to save the requested report to.

To get help, you can instead pass the argument “/help” or “/?” to see more information.

28.1.2 Optional Arguments

/db If your database is in a non-standard location, or you want to access it from a network share, specify the path and filename of your database using this parameter.
/date <date> Give a valid date format (for example “DD/MM/YY” or “MM/DD/YY” depending on your system locale) to only export history logs from that date.

An incorrectly formatted date will show an error, but continue to export all logs instead.

Note: If using a date format with spaces (e.g. “31 Jan 2020”), always enclose the date in quotes.
/start <date> As an alternative to specifying an exact date, you can instead use the /start and /end parameters to specify a date range.
/end <date> As above.
/find <search term> Search the logs for a specific username, computer name, etc.
/action <action> Limit the results to a specific action. This argument can be added multiple times to specify multiple actions. For a full list of actions, run “historyreport.exe /actions”.
/limit <number> Only output up to this number of results. Defaults to 10000.
/fndate Append the current date and time to the filename.
/format <paper size> (Only applies to PDF and RTF) Format the document paper size. Defaults to A4.

Valid values are: A0 to A6, B5, Ledger, Legal or Letter.
/landscape (Only applies to PDF and RTF) Orient the page in landscape layout.

28.2 Examples

Below are some example command lines to use with the History Report Tool.

historyreport.exe /pdf C:\Reports\overlaps.pdf

Exports all history records to a PDF file in C:\Reports.

historyreport.exe /rtf C:\Reports\overlaps.rtf /date 31/12/19 /action Read /action ReadRequest

Generates an RTF document container all Read and Requests to Read a password for the 31st December 2019 (in a locale that uses the DD/MM/YY format for this example).

historyreport.exe /csv C:\Reports\overlaps.csv /date “19 May 2020” /fndate /find asmith

Create a CSV report for all history logs on the 19th May 2020, appending the current date to the filename (for example “overlaps-201231-073000.csv” for 31st December 2020 at 7:30 am), and only returning matches which contain the name “asmith”.